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Spirit Games (Est. 1984) - Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures and scenery, new and traditional board and card games for the last 20 years sells Crystal Palace

Crystal Palace


In Stock
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Was £56.99, Now £40.00
In CRYSTAL PALACE, each player represents a nation at the first World Fair of 1851 in London. To make sure that your country truly attracts everyone's attention you are going to showcase spectacular inventions and recruit the brightest, most influential minds of your times. To prepare for the great event in the best way, you are pulling strings everywhere throughout the city. And it could all be so easy - if your government had provided you with unlimited means. As it is, you are constantly torn between modest investments and excessive loans.

CRYSTAL PALACE is a dice-placement game where the players themselves determine the stats of their dice at the beginning of each round. The higher the number, the better - but it comes at a price. In the course of the game, dice are placed on 8 different action locations in a competition for the best resources, patents, and brains. In a world of slightly weird inventions, you will meet people like PHILEAS FOGG, LEVI STRAUSS, and CHARLOTTE BRONTE, and invent gadgets such as the THINKING MACHINE, the BEER GLASS COUNTER, or CLIMATE CHANGER.


  • 12 double-sided Location boards
  • 1 Administration board
  • 5 double-sided Player mats
  • 4 Publisher tiles
  • 60 Patent and Character cards
  • 30 dice
  • 30 Assistants
  • 25 Player tokens
  • 5 Treasure Chests
  • over 50 wooden pieces
  • over 160 cardboard tiles

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Crystal Palace by Board Game Geek Link for more Reviews

5% over £50
10% over £100

These volume discounts are in addition to sale and special offer prices.

Related Tags
Playing Time
1-2 1/2 hours
Game Type
Dice Games
Worker Placement
Capstone Games
No. Players
2-5 Players
Carsten Lauber
Reduced Items
14 +
Manufacturer's Code

Spirit Games (Est. 1984, Lefglow Ltd) - Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures and scenery, new and traditional board and card games for the last 41 years

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